Link NewIRCusers.com to Your Webpage
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Would you like to send people who need help with IRC to our homepage? How about a simple click on an icon that will send them directly to the NewIRCusers homepage? If you link us with one of the icons below, we'll be glad to place a link back to your page on our page.
We've designed four linking icons with red, blue, green and yellow backgrounds . Use the one that looks best with your page background.
Follow these instructions to get the icon and set it up on your web page.
- With the cursor over one of the images below, press and hold the right mouse button.
- From the menu that popups up, select "Save Picture as..".
- When the Save Picture dialog box appears, select the directory where you want to save the image.
- Use the file name provided or rename it if you wish.
- Click OK.